Get to know our co-leads

Jenna Lynn Henderson, P.E. PMP

As a Civil Engineer, Jenna currently holds the role of Program Manager at the City of Fort Worth and serves as a Teaching Associate at Brown University in the MSc Technology Leadership Program.  As a professional, her expertise encompasses various professional domains, such as Engineering, leadership theory, program development and management, municipal government, and technology. Jenna’s problem-solving approach, which integrates multiple disciplines, has established her as a thought leader at the intersection of these diverse topics.

BSc, SUNY at Buffalo, Civil Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
MSc, Brown University, Technology Leadership

Jennifer Dalzell, Technical Assistant for the Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, joined the NRC in 2007 in the Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program (NSPDP).  Jennifer started her career in the Division of Reactor Projects in Region III, where she completed qualifications to be a Resident Inspector.  She has also served as Incident Response Specialist and a Materials License Reviewer in Region III.  Most recently, Jennifer was an inspector for Dry Cask Storage and Reactor Decommissioning.  

Jennifer recently served as the Secretary for the NRC’s Federal Women’s Program Advisory Committee and was awarded the 2020 Meritorious Service Award for EEO Excellence and 2020 Federal Women’s Program Advisory Committee Women’s History Month Award.


BSc, Ohio State University, Mechanical Engineering

Jennifer Dalzell